Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Reality Bites

Onto my sparse blog postings....I really havent been doing a good job in keeping this up. Part of it because I lack the time ( know how long my entries are), some because i'm just flat out LAZY ( know how long it takes me to type up something this long?), and mostly...maybe i lack interesting insights now a days ( know how long it takes me to cook up some interesting long reads for you?) see the trend??? All in all, life's grand. I now work in Safeway pharmacy for the summer as an intern pharmacist. Life as a pharmacist has defnitely been interesting to say the least. Can I see myself going gunho with this career decision? Yuppity yup...but i definitely will not be a "boring" least i hope i wont. It's funny when I tell other people where I work...i say "Safeway", and I can just tell they must be thinking.."damn..this girl's not very accomplished...she must be a bagger or a cashier". It's a pretty funny stereotype, and I sometimes ride it out hehe..

When I am just standing up all day, filling prescriptions, and of course...dealing with "people"...there are lots of profound insights that can come out of this routine. Reality is....PEOPLE ARE WEIRD, STRANGE, AND DUMB!!!! ( that really profound????) Due to the restrictions of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portable Accountability Act), I can only speak of the following scenerios in "he/she who shall not be named" terms.

-:- Scenerio 1 -:-

Customer: What's the difference between these three (points at Motrin, Ibuprofen, and Advil)
Me: Absolutely no difference, the differences lies in the brand name and the price
Customer: Really??? My friends told me they're different, and Advil can make your blood pressure go high
Me: One way to tell is to look at the active ingredients of the packages (points at active ingredients). As you can see, they all say Ibuprofen 200mg. So they would all make your blood pressure go high
Customer: Then how come one's called Advil, one's Motrin, and one's Ibuprofen?
Me: They're just different brands
Customer: So they're the same??? and not that I don't believe you, but you're not a pharmacist
Me: Yes! The pharmacist will tell you the same thing I just told you
Customer: But I heard they're different, and I should return the Advil and get the Motrin?
Me: If you really want to go through that extra process and pay for something more expensive you may do that, but I am just here to tell you they are the same.
Customer: Ok
..........5min later..........
Pharmacist: How may I help you?
Customer: What are the differences between these 3?
Pharmacist: They are the same, differences lies in the brand name and the price
Customer: OK
Me: -_-"

-:- Scenerio 2 -:-

Customer: How come I didnt get any refills for X prescription???
Pharmacist: I am sorry, but your doctor did not order any more refills for you
Customer: (angry) How could this be? Do you know what this prescription is for? (in a slow manner) This prescription is for Osteoporosis....THAT is a CHRONIC disease! It causes bone weakening. This pill X slows down the breakdown of the bones...ALL doctors prescribe refills for this condition.
Pharmacist: *nod* *smile* Ok, thanks for informing me, your doctor still didnt give you any refills and we cannot give you any unless your refill order is in from the doctor's office. Let us call your doctor again and find out. (customer storms off)
Me: *laughing hysterically* wow...she educated the pharmacist
Pharmacist: yea, guess 4 years of education and 10 years of pharmacy experience does not teach me what osteoporosis is and what the medication's for.

-:- Scenerio 3 -:-
Customer: I dont want this medication, I told the clerk not to refill it
Me: Sorry for that mistake, we will go ahead and return it
Customer: But, someone paid for this, and it's not me
Me: Yea, your insurance paid for it. We will go ahead and credit return it.
Customer: But you dont understand, I didnt pay for this, someone else did!
Me: yes, and that is your insurance company, we will return the money to them
Me: Yes, I understand, that's why we're going to credit return it back to the insurance so they will get the money back.
Customer: I didnt pay for this!
Me: Dont worry about it, pretend nothing happened and we never filled the prescription. No one will pay for this
Customer: *leaves and mumbles to self*

So there you have it....the wonders of the real world. How exciting!

that's all for now...peesh!

Simples Pleasures in Life
1) Warmth of the sun
2) Clear sky
3) Presents
4) Someone cooking for you
5) Movie marathons

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You have just survived one hellish blog. Thank you, the Devil awaits your re-visit..Mwa ha ha ha ha