Wednesday, November 16, 2005

My Apologies

I realized...I am long overdue for a blog entry. So here I am, sitting in my room, putting all school work aside....typing my life to you. dont you feel special?!?'s more like...i'm sick and tired of i'm gonna blog to pretend i'm doing something productive =P Pharm school keeps me at a tight ain't easy being in a professional school. There are so many things i want to do and I want to accomplish in the next four years to come that i know i will be stretching myself thin. I'm hanging in just fine....doing well in school...but how long can i last w/o my body calling it quits? *shrug* i'm gonna overdrive myself for as long as my body limit allows. Social's great..the girls in pharmacy school (noticing i'm calling them "girls"...the 20% male population's really not a statistically significant contribution to my social life) are all nice. i've never interacted with so many girls before..but apparently...i am more feminine than i thought. I am now pledging for a pharmacy frat (yes..believe it or not...there are "professional" frats in pharmacy school)...all for the sake of "brotherhood" ya know...."brotherhood"...what an ironic term in pharmacy school -_-" I do miss all of my friends and family down in all of you...when comes december..i better see your a$$es hanging out w/me!!! (yes...i'll be back for the month of december) with the logistics of my blog and my life have you been?

Lately, been having convos about "love" w/a few of my friends (what's new? the topic of relationship seems to be the center of all convos). I am not a person afraid to show my "love" for that someone special. the word itself does not even scare me or intimidate me. Perhaps I am taking it too lightly and using it as a looser term than others...but seriously..when the emotion's there...why not make it known? Quite a few of us are afraid of expressing that term to our significant others...fearing it might..."freak" them out. Why would "love" freak someone out? shouldnt we appreciate the fact that someone desire and adore us at a deep level? yet this is not the case. It seems to represent a certain commitment to the relationship that everyone's afraid to step into. Once you said it...there's only "black and white"..none of that "i'm not sure" BS anymore. It seems to me as if people like to stay in the gray area...because it is safe. It allows you to have the luxury to change your a merchanise you kept the receipt for and you can return it if you dont like it in the future. when the "love" word is not out there...there's no commitment inuendo...and you can still have your last line of defense. I have recently heard a story that a couple have been together for 4 years..they never said "i love you" until 2 months ago...and now they're engaged and will soon tie the knot. People wait forever before they bust out "i love u" to that special certain's almost a monumental moment! Perhaps i just dont see what the big deal is. We say we "love" our friends and family...but we cant say we "love" he/she because it's too early or "i dont know" or whatever bogus reasons there might be. I say if you feel it...just go ahead and say it! who wants to hear their bf/gf to say...i REALLY "like" you...i dont LOVE you...but i LIKE you. why in the hell are you with me if you dont love me???

spread the love...and STOP FREAKING OUT!

with the frustrations of relationship issues's a pic of someone i absolutely adore and "love" (yes..i said the L word....sue me). i know all of you have been o so curious about here he is. Introducing my current partner in crime: T-rex (the code name you will know for'm really dating a dinosaur -_-")

There...i made it known to the world...first time in a long time posting something about my personal life. now off my back you go! heheh...

Simple Pleasures in Life

1) Sleep during class

2) Endless fooding

3) Getting perfect on a test

4) Complimented by someone

5) Clear sky


hot stuff!  

we miss ya too chica. don't forget those nites of ramen u there. luv ya aiya.  

Merry Christmas! :D  

Hi Aileen!!! Wow, you look SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy in your pictures that it gives me this warm and fuzzy feeling in my cheeks. =P I'm really happy for you! Happy new year!  

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You have just survived one hellish blog. Thank you, the Devil awaits your re-visit..Mwa ha ha ha ha