Friday, July 01, 2005

Fobulicious Taiwan once again. Seems like just not too long ago i visited my homeland. time to get in touch w/my ghetto fobulicious side once more! It's been less than 12 hrs since i arrived...and i'm jetlagging already. Woke up at freak'n 6am! just have to rough it through the day...nothing a little caffeine can't fix *wink* The humidity in Taiwan is rather obscene, thus reminded me why i have not returned to my homeland during the time of "summer" for 7 years. it's sticky, it's sweaty, and it's just gross..... -_-" what can i's fantabulous!

Now off to something completely off topic (come's me...i go off on my random tangents). Events in life are seriously series of unexpected happenings. You can plan for them...but more often than throws curve balls. I knew that before, I know that now...but it's just different when u're the batter and the curve ball's thrown right at you. Don't you ever wish you can be like Ichiro? reading the pitcher...measuring the distance...set your eyes firmly on the ball..and have a high batting average and on base average regardless of what type of curve ball's thrown? I always wished i have a knack for reading "life" and the curve balls, but i am just fooling myself. I am nowhere near MLB standard. I am also a horrible gambler, can never read the cards on the table..can only hope that luck goes my way and score myself a full house. Even if i tried to be like Johnny Chang...reading the cards on the table, calculating my opponents, and the likelihood of me winning w/a losing hand or perhaps a winning hand...i still end up losing because of one freak'n card that messed up my royal flush (it only takes one...*sigh*) You can set up everything..believed you got this "life" thing planned and figured out...nonetheless...a little luck goes a long way.

i have a rough idea of what's going to happen in the next 4 years...but that only goes as far as going to UCSF for pharm school, nerding it, going back home on the long weekends, and then most likely it'll be so-cal for rotations (or so i think). As of what might throw down in those 4 years...i have no freak'n clue. We always like to think we're in control of life..but that's all delusional. In particularly the "relationship" aspects... i stopped planning for's useless. Maybe it is good to "lose control" (literally and philosophically). we all have the potentials of going on some wild's a matter of having the courage to get ourselves onto that ride of "unknown". risk taker? i'm not one..but i'd like to experiment to see if i have that gambler inside me.

A quote i'd like to share w/you..don't think it pertains to this particular post..but it's a good quote from the movie The Wedding Date (yes...i do watch chick flicks from time to particularly on a 12hrs flight). it goes..

The hardest part of love isn't loving someone, but having the courage to let them love you back

that's some courage...a courage i don't have...and a courage i should have.

Aileen on the flip side of the world...out!

Simple Pleasures in Life
1) Having the AC on during a hot and HUMID summer day in Taiwan
2) Putting on ear phones to shut yourself from the annoying hs girls giggling and talking about stupid stuff on a 12hrs flight
3) Cuddling
4) Getting yourself a bargain
5) The feeling of "home"

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You have just survived one hellish blog. Thank you, the Devil awaits your re-visit..Mwa ha ha ha ha