Monday, June 20, 2005

I Love You DMV *Shakes BOTH Fists in Air*

This is an old post I had that fully expressed my love (or the lack there of) for our praise worthy *gags* DMV...

Why we love DMV (Department of Mental Vanquishment…wait..i mean..Department of Motor Vehicles)

1) They are orderly (hot dang…long line forming at 7am already!)

2) They are efficient (B001…5hrs later…B005…*sigh*)

3) They are convenient (what?!? The nearest DMV is 30min away???)

4) They work around the clock for YOU (huh??? They’re closed on a random Monday?? And wha??? They’re open at 9am on Wednesdays? And eh?? They’re not opening this week????)

5) They allow you to interact w/fellow model citizens of the United Sates (umm..the creepy guy next to me’s talking to me again… he’s just talking to himself)

6) They are customer oriented (would the lady stop yelling already! And dang it…don’t gimme no attitude..i waited in line!)

7) They provide a friendly environment (holy crap..the security guard went bizerk! Duck!!!)

8) They entertain you while you wait (ooo…look at the #’s changing on the monitor..and wow..the ladies all look so fat...)

9) They utilize the technologies necessary to ensure proficient performance and ultimately quality customer service (8am….9am…10am…2pm…*sigh* their computer system’s still down…)

10) They influence you to become the model citizens of United Sates (urge to kill…rising…)

Story goes that my registration is about to expire...and I still have yet to receive my renewal notice in the mail. I called them, they hung up on me a few times, waited on the line for a long a$$ time, etc. Alas, i got through. vehicle registration is under some REALLY strange it got changed, i have ABSOLUTELY NO F#%$ING CLUE!!! *sigh* now i have to pay for their stupidity and their incompetency...oh joy. Good to know this is where my tax dollars go. -_-"

Simple Pleasures in Life
1) no line at DMV ( a billion years perhpas)
2) no more automated voice system (oh aileen...u're so funny)
3) Shaking fist in air
4) Eating my life away
5) Sleeping my nights away

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You have just survived one hellish blog. Thank you, the Devil awaits your re-visit..Mwa ha ha ha ha