Thursday, June 16, 2005

Advanced Fundamentals of Physics

I officially have 49 hrs and 15 min left of work... excellent *mr. burne's finger twirling and twisted smile* Despite my urge to do something evil to the lab that caused me so much misery for the past 2 years...such as sabotaging solutions in lab so nothing works and perhaps contaminate the living hell out of this lab...I will not. Why? 1) I am too damn nice (gosh i hate myself for that), 2) it would indirectly affect the ones that I am actually fond of in this hell hole and make them suffer more than they alredy did...I can't possibly make myself to do that, and 3) I believe they expected it already (I am the evil aileen afterall) I must perform the "unexpected" by NOT doing anything..TAKE THAT. I will gracefully leave this lab as a better woman...well...maybe sticking a fat middle finger up, say "f$%# you", and let out a loud hysterical laugh wouldnt hurt =P

Continuing with my lecturing from the last post...I shall preach on the "laws of physics" some more...

As we all know, there are three fundamental law of physics, Newton's 3 laws of motion..and they are as follows:

1) Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.
2) The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma
3) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

These three laws holds true in nature and it also holds true in the application of "real life" scenerios. This is what i call..the "advanced" fundamentals of physics..pushing physics to the next level! it's not only the laws of "motion" can also be laws of "work"/"school"/"home". The postulates are as follows:

1) A student/employee/kid in procratination tends to stay in procrastination unless an external force (profs/boss/parents) is applied to it
2) The age/work hours/time of a school/work/cleaning process is directly proportional to the flexibility F, given by the prof/boss/parents and inversely proportional to the student/employee/kid's motivation

Age or Time work/cleaning = flexibility/motivation
=> a = F/m
=> F = ma

This describes the forces encountered by a student/employee/kid. A student/employee/kid..even if highly motivated..may still remain in school/work/home given enough flexibility. As the motivation goes to zero, the duration of degree/work/"home sitting" goes to infinity.

3) For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (very the more miserable you are from working..the happier your prof/boss/parents will be. of course...the more you wanna be happy and be an lazy a$$ do the math)

Ah...facts of life explained by physics...marvelous. Look..what do you know...after finishing typing up this post..i have officially 48 1/2 hrs left of work! FANTASTIC!

Simple Pleasures in Life
1) Winning a bet
2) Winning a free 20 oz soda from soda caps
3) Finding an awesome parking spot
4) Quenching thirst
5) Good hair day

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You have just survived one hellish blog. Thank you, the Devil awaits your re-visit..Mwa ha ha ha ha